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Create and manage listings

Learn more about creating a listing, viewing matched buyers and editing a listing.

Create and manage buyer needs

This video discusses registering a buyer and the ability to add, edit and delete buyer registrations.

Issues with Login

At times people have issues with login. Either the initial password doesn't seem to work or some other login issue exists. There are a series of steps we recommend to remediate any issues with login.

  • Passwords are case sensitive, so be sure you are entering it correctly.
  • Make sure the username is correct. It should be the email that received the registration details.
  • A message indicating your email address is invalid may mean that there are spaces in front or at the end of the email address which can happen if your copy/paste the address. Remove any spaces.
  • If using a phone make sure it is not auto-correcting your email address.
  • Use the forgot password process to reset the password to something new and easy to remember.
  • If you are still having issues please email us at and we will get it working.

Forgot Password

The forgot password process is there to help when you have forgotten your password or the existing one doesn't seem to be working. The process for resetting your password is below to give you visibility to what you can expect.

  • Once you click forgot password it will take you to a page to enter your email.
  • Enter the email address you were provided to login to the service.
  • You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. The link has a code that validates the link is for your request only. The link is valid for only three hours before it expires. If you need more time just start the forgot password process again.
  • On the reset password page you will be prompted to enter your email and new password as well as confirm the password.
  • Click the reset button and then use the new password to login.